Online Anatomy Education Infographic

Providing High-Quality Dissection Experiences in the Changing Anatomy Classroom

True anatomy visualizations. Not modeled.


Whether you're teaching anatomy online, in-person, or in a hybrid scenario, the recent shifts in anatomy education have made the already complex learning objectives more challenging to teach students. Due to the need for online learning and the shortage of specimen, cadaver dissection is becoming increasingly difficult to teach. On top of that, the way our anatomy students prefer to learn and interact with anatomical material is changing quickly.

This is forcing anatomy educators to find alternatives to cadaver dissection that will help their students develop an understanding of three-dimensional anatomical structures and the relationships between. It is also more important than ever for educators to stay up to date on the resources and teaching pedagogies that today’s students are benefiting from the most.

With that in mind, we've created an infographic that highlights a number of statistics related to the changing anatomy classroom and the resources that anatomy students are finding most effective in regard to their learning. Click here to view the full-sized infographic, and feel free to share it with friends and colleagues on social media or via email using the links provided at the bottom of this page!

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Infographic for Online Anatomy Education

BodyViz Makes The Transition to Online Anatomy Education Easy

Our 3D Anatomy Learning Platform can help you provide high-quality dissection experiences regardless of where your students are learning from, and do so in a very cost-effective manner. Our team has helped hundreds of your peers adapt to the changing anatomy classroom and is here to help you prepare for the upcoming semesters. To learn more, schedule an online demonstration.
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Our team at BodyViz is here to help you simplify anatomy education for your students, whether you are teaching in-person, online, or in a hybrid format. BodyViz easily integrates into existing anatomy courses, and does so in a very cost-effective manner. Fill out the form below and our team will contact you to schedule your demonstration!