Free eBook

The Anatomy Educator's Guide to Online Learning

Written by Robert Tallitsch, PhD


What’s Inside?

Download a copy of our eBook filled with strategies to help you deliver high-quality anatomical experiences in your online courses.

In this eBook, you'll learn about:

  • Replacing cadaver lab experiences in online learning scenarios
  • Updating your existing instructional materials
  • Providing your students with clear direction
  • Contingency planning for future educational disruptions.

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Teaching Anatomy Online Doesn't Have to be Difficult

The time has come: whether we're ready or not, anatomy educators across the world are tackling the challenge of teaching one of the most difficult courses fully (or partially) online. And, if you're like me, you never envisioned teaching anatomy online.

Prior to 2020, distance learning and online teaching were both options for students and educators. However, under the current conditions and the mandated self-isolation practices in place, everything has changed. Students and instructors who never had a desire to teach or learn online are now mandated to do just that. And, since the start of self-isolation, one of the most common discussion topics on the various teaching listservs I’m involved with is this: “How should I teach my anatomy courses online when access to dissection labs are not available?” 

This eBook includes strategies to help you effectively teach your anatomy courses in an online or hybrid learning environment, when cadaver dissection is not something that is accessible for students. Fill out the form below and we'll email your copy of the eBook for free!

Robert Tallitsch, PhD