MyBodyViz Library
Explore 1000+ of 3D anatomical studies
Real patient anatomy. Visualized in 3D.
Included with our instructor licenses, the MyBodyViz Library serves as an interactive menu within our 3D Anatomy Software for instructors to access the studies included with BodyViz, and to save the content created on their own. In addition to the 1000's of studies included with BodyViz, instructors can also upload their own MRI/CT scans to our ever-expanding library.

1000's of Studies
The MyBodyViz Library comes with a library of 3D anatomical studies that instructors can load into BodyViz software in a matter of seconds. All of our studies are created from actual patient MRI/CT scans.
Patient Details
Each study is embedded with details about the patient's age, sex, imaging type (MRI or CT), and a short description outlining any pathology or variants within the study.

Find Relevant Studies
Instructors can easily find studies relevant to what they are teaching by applying filter settings directly within the MyBodyViz Library to highlight (or eliminate) studies based on system, region, sex, imaging type, etc.
Upload your own data!
Instructors can also upload their own MRI/CT scans (DICOM Data) directly into the MyBodyViz Library in order to use in the 3D anatomy Software. Many institutions work alongside hospitals that are able to provide the data from scans taken in real-world cases.
BodyViz allows students to visualize often-abstract anatomical concepts that more traditional images cannot adequately capture. Ouachita Baptist University
Understanding how a structure or organ is comprised of different tissues and how those organs are structurally associated with each other helps a student reason their way to studying and identifying new features. BodyViz is one of the critical tools I use to help guide students to this realization. The University of Mississippi
Easy-to-Use Virtual Dissection Platform
3D Anatomy Software
BodyViz helps students understand and interact with anatomy by putting them in the middle of the learning experience. Our 3D anatomy software creates a virtual anatomy lab that your students can take with them wherever they go. Students can dissect, visualize, and study the human body in an interactive and engaging manner, helping them comprehend the material and learn to how use it in the workplace.
Real Human & Veterinary Anatomy
1000's of Studies
Student and Instructor Licenses
Want to use 3D anatomy in your courses?
Schedule a 30-minute Online Demonstration